A recent study highlighted a number of truckers’ concerns, and some of the issues raised aren’t surprising. Research conducted by the American Transportation Research Institute shows that, though there are many standard transportation problems on the list, the most important are those relating to the current status of trucking regulations.

HuckpackCrop by Adam850 / CC BY-SA 2.5
Leading off the list of truckers’ concerns was the 34 Hour Restart regulations enacted in 2013. We’ve already discussed those regulations in detail in a previous post, but it isn’t surprising that truck drivers are bothered by regulations that, they claim, make roads less safe while hampering productivity. Right behind 34 Hour Restart on the list was a similar issue: the “Compliance, Safety, Accountability” program that heightens safety requirements (and monitoring) related to freight movement. Perhaps the biggest questions surrounding the CSA program relate to enforcement, which hasn’t been consistent in the two years since it began. Other regulatory issues making the list included electronic logbook recording requirements (coming in at 5th) and truck fuel prices (8th), which may become more important as lawmakers debate whether to increase the fuel tax by twelve cents.
The remainder of the list indicates economic concerns: The driver shortage and driver retention; general concern about the state of the national economy; and transportation funding. (Contact us if you’re concerned about that last one — we can help!)
But what a difference a decade makes. In 2005, truckers’ concerns focused primarily on general economic issues. Today, while economic issues still make the list, it’s traffic and safety regulations that lead the way.